Icelandair Open

19.02.06 : Young Guns won the teams tournament.
Young Guns from Denmark/Iceland won the teams tournament, which was played Saturday and Sunday. The players were: Kasper Konow, Sejr Andreas Jensen, Ómar Olgeirsson, Stefán Jónsson and Ísak Örn Sigurðsson.

17.02.06 : Baldursson and Jónsson won the pairs tournament.
Jón Baldursson and Þorlákur Jónsson secured a second title by a comfortable win in the pairs tournament.

15.02.06 : Baldursson and Jónsson won the star pairs invitational.
Jón Baldursson and Þorlákur Jónsson won the opening event, invitational star pairs Thursday evening.

All events are on

Teams will be on

Regarding further information please contact for details.

Icelandair Open 2006

Timetable Icelandair open 




Icelandair open 2006 will be with similar format as before with one major change! We will play from Thursday (16th of February) to Sunday (19th of February) instead of Friday-Monday.  Pairs will be 16th-17th of February and teams 18th-19th of February. Pairs will start 19:00 and finish just before dinner on Friday. Teams will start 11:00 on Saturday and finish right before dinner on Sunday.

As always the competition will be very strong, with almost every strong Icelandic pairs and also teams and pairs from Poland and Russia,  team from USA (Disa Eythorsdottir), Denmark (Peter Hecht Johansen). Also the Swedish national team, strong pairs from Norway, Denmark, England, etc.

Before Icelandair Open, Wednesday 15th of February, there will be invitational tournament with few strong Icelandic pairs and some of our foreign guests.

Reykjavík Bridge Festival

Frítt fyrir börn og ungmenni Öll börn og ungmenni 20 ára og yngri fá frítt í bridge í vetur
Sjá nánar