Score tables Cumulative Butler ... in team order PBN More information
10 tables, 20 pairs. Number of boards: 10. IMPs across the field. Rank Pair Score Name Team 1 104 2,22 Alexander Allfrey - Andrew Robson Allfrey 2 305 1,32 Simon Cope - Peter Crouch Zia 3 303 1,08 Ian Pagan - Julian Wightwick Crockfords 4 2 0,48 Gary Hyett - Graham Kirby Chairman's Team 101 0,48 Philip King - Andrew McIntosh Black 6 1 0,42 John Pemberton - Stephen Popham London 302 0,42 Alex Roberts - Ben Norton Chairman's Team 8 204 0,33 Ed Jones - Tom Paske Allfrey 9 205 0,23 Tom Hanlon - John Carroll Ireland 10 203 0,21 Peter Berthau - Boye Brogeland Gillis 11 3 -0,21 Jon Cooke - Paul Barden Crockfords 12 5 -0,23 Dennis Bilde - Zia Mahmood Zia 13 4 -0,33 Pierre Franceschetti - Christophe Grosset France 14 102 -0,42 Krzysztof Kotorowicz - David Bakhshi de Botton 201 -0,42 David Gold - Andrew Black Black 16 202 -0,48 Janet De Botton - Artur Malinowski de Botton 301 -0,48 Richard Creamer - Trevor Matthews London 18 103 -1,08 Simon Gillis - Espen Erichsen Gillis 19 105 -1,32 Donal MacAonghusa - Mark Moran Ireland 20 304 -2,22 Yoram Galinsky - Baptiste Combescure France ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Q1076 Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score North Q1032 B 4 104 304 6D W -1 C2 50 108 -108 N-S 53 B 1 101 301 4H E = SJ -420 41 -41 J92 B 2 102 302 5D W +1 CJ -420 41 -41 AK85 942 B 3 103 303 4H E = SJ -420 41 -41 K86 AJ54 A 3 3 203 3N E +4 C2 -520 18 -18 AKQJ76 842 A 5 5 205 3N E +4 C2 -520 18 -18 --- K107 A 1 1 201 6D W = C2 -920 -62 62 J3 A 2 2 202 6D W = CJ -920 -62 62 97 A 4 4 204 6D W = C2 -920 -62 62 109 B 5 105 305 6N E +1 D10 -1020 -81 81 AQ86543 -990 C D H S N NS 6 1 2 2 1 E 7 12 11 11 12 W : : : 10 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 AJ3 Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score East 1042 A 3 3 203 2S N +1 S6 140 11 -11 E-W KJ75 A 4 4 204 2S S +1 C2 140 11 -11 A85 B 2 102 302 1S S +2 C10 140 11 -11 6 10872 A 1 1 201 2S S = C10 110 1 -1 K987 A6 A 2 2 202 2S S = C10 110 1 -1 A102 9864 A 5 5 205 2S S = C5 110 1 -1 109642 KQJ B 1 101 301 2S N = CK 110 1 -1 KQ954 B 3 103 303 2S S = C10 110 1 -1 QJ53 B 5 105 305 2S N = CK 110 1 -1 Q3 B 4 104 304 4S S -1 C10 -50 -39 39 73 110 C D H S N NS 4 6 7 8 6 EW 8 5 5 4 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 K95 Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score South Q9 B 2 102 302 3N N +3 H2 690 56 -56 All A84 A 1 1 201 3N N +1 S6 630 42 -42 AK853 B 4 104 304 3N S +1 H4 630 42 -42 AJ4 Q108763 B 5 105 305 3N S +1 H4 630 42 -42 A8743 1062 A 2 2 202 3N N = S7 600 34 -34 QJ 72 A 4 4 204 3N N = S7 600 34 -34 1096 Q2 A 5 5 205 3D S +3 C9 170 -59 59 2 B 1 101 301 3D S +3 C10 170 -59 59 KJ5 A 3 3 203 3C N +1 SJ 130 -66 66 K109653 B 3 103 303 3C N +1 H2 130 -66 66 J74 660 C D H S N NS 11 11 8 7 11 EW 1 1 5 6 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 864 Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score West A A 1 1 201 4S S +1 D10 450 12 -12 None Q973 A 3 3 203 5S S = D6 450 12 -12 K10843 B 1 101 301 4S S +1 D10 450 12 -12 953 2 B 2 102 302 4S S +1 D10 450 12 -12 K9643 52 B 3 103 303 4S S +1 D10 450 12 -12 10 AK86542 B 4 104 304 4S S +1 D10 450 12 -12 AJ96 Q75 A 2 2 202 4S S = D10 420 3 -3 AKQJ107 A 4 4 204 4S S = D10 420 3 -3 QJ1087 A 5 5 205 4S W -7 HA 350 -17 17 J B 5 105 305 3S N = DA 140 -61 61 2 450 C D H S N NS 6 5 7 11 8 E 5 8 4 2 4 W 7 : : : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 5 Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score North 75 A 2 2 202 3Nx E -1 H4 200 65 -65 E-W AQJ10 A 3 3 203 5C W -1 S2 100 43 -43 QJ10982 B 4 104 304 5C W -1 S2 100 43 -43 K98763 J4 A 4 4 204 3H N -1 SK -50 8 -8 62 KJ104 A 1 1 201 4C W = S7 -130 -11 11 K42 9753 A 5 5 205 4C W = H5 -130 -11 11 76 K54 B 3 103 303 4C W = S2 -130 -11 11 AQ102 B 5 105 305 4C W = S7 -130 -11 11 AQ983 B 1 101 301 4H N -3 SK -150 -17 17 86 B 2 102 302 5C W +1 HA -620 -98 98 A3 990 C D H S N N 12 11 11 10 11 S : : : : 12 EW 1 1 1 3 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 AK982 Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score East 104 B 3 103 303 3N N +1 D9 630 65 -65 All KJ8 A 2 2 202 4S S = CQ 620 65 -65 974 A 5 5 205 4S S = D5 620 65 -65 103 QJ74 B 1 101 301 4S S = CQ 620 65 -65 J862 AQ3 A 1 1 201 3N N = D9 600 60 -60 A74 1053 A 3 3 203 2N N -1 HA -100 -48 48 QJ53 A86 A 4 4 204 3N N -2 D8 -200 -68 68 65 B 2 102 302 5S S -2 CQ -200 -68 68 K975 B 4 104 304 3N N -2 C7 -200 -68 68 Q962 B 5 105 305 3N N -2 D8 -200 -68 68 K102 80 C D H S N NS 6 7 6 7 6 EW 6 5 7 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 A864 Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score South J975 A 1 1 201 3N N +3 D7 490 36 -36 None 10 B 4 104 304 3N S +3 H10 490 36 -36 Q1092 A 4 4 204 3N N +2 H10 460 28 -28 K53 J72 B 2 102 302 3N N +2 S9 460 28 -28 AKQ10 63 B 5 105 305 3N N +2 H10 460 28 -28 AK93 QJ8 B 1 101 301 3N N +1 H10 430 20 -20 J8 AK763 A 5 5 205 3N N = HA 400 12 -12 Q109 A 3 3 203 4Dx E -2 S3 300 -10 10 842 A 2 2 202 5C S -2 H6 -100 -84 84 76542 B 3 103 303 7C S -3 DA -150 -94 94 54 -460 C D H S N NS 2 2 3 4 2 EW 11 10 10 9 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 AK6 Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score West 3 A 4 4 204 4S E +1 C2 -450 7 -7 N-S Q652 A 5 5 205 4S E +1 C2 -450 7 -7 Q10875 B 5 105 305 4S E +1 C4 -450 7 -7 753 J982 A 1 1 201 4S W +2 H9 -480 -3 3 10876 A9542 A 2 2 202 4S W +2 H9 -480 -3 3 AKJ4 97 A 3 3 203 4S W +2 H9 -480 -3 3 K9 J4 B 1 101 301 4S W +2 H9 -480 -3 3 Q104 B 2 102 302 4S W +2 H9 -480 -3 3 KQJ B 3 103 303 4S W +2 H9 -480 -3 3 1083 B 4 104 304 4S W +2 H9 -480 -3 3 A632 500 C D H S N NS 8 8 6 7 9 EW 4 5 7 5 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 AJ Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score North QJ9763 B 4 104 304 6Nx S = H5 1680 54 -54 All K5 A 4 4 204 6N S = D9 1440 -6 6 A72 A 5 5 205 6N S = D5 1440 -6 6 5 10843 B 1 101 301 6N S = S2 1440 -6 6 A1054 K8 B 2 102 302 6N S = D2 1440 -6 6 A97 J42 A 1 1 201 6H S = C2 1430 -6 6 KJ965 Q1083 A 2 2 202 6H N = DA 1430 -6 6 KQ9762 A 3 3 203 6H N = DA 1430 -6 6 2 B 3 103 303 6H N = DA 1430 -6 6 Q10863 B 5 105 305 6H N = DA 1430 -6 6 4 650 C D H S N NS 4 10 7 11 6 EW 9 2 5 2 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 J985 Tbl Pair Contr Ld Result Score East 3 B 5 105 305 2C S +1 SJ 110 30 -30 None AJ10742 A 2 2 202 4H W -2 H6 100 30 -30 J9 A 3 3 203 1D E -2 C3 100 30 -30 632 K7 A 4 4 204 2N E -1 DQ 50 15 -15 A1085 9764 B 4 104 304 1D E -1 DA 50 15 -15 6 K853 B 1 101 301 4C N -1 CK -50 -11 11 75432 AK6 B 2 102 302 3C N -1 CK -50 -11 11 AQ104 A 1 1 201 1N E +1 HJ -120 -31 31 KQJ2 A 5 5 205 2N W = DA -120 -31 31 Q9 B 3 103 303 3S W = C6 -140 -36 36 Q108 140 C D H S N N 7 9 7 9 8 S 6 : 6 : : EW 6 4 6 4 4
Score tables Cumulative Butler ... in team order PBN More information
PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.